Here at SoCas we only collect the most necessary data:
For visitors at
IP Address, what you are looking at and what you are clicking on. This is done to optimisme our web page and our business.
For costumers at
Name and billing/shipping address.
This is necessary for us to be able to send you the stuff you bought.
E-mail and phone number.
We use this to contact you, if this should be necessary.
What you bought.
Of course this is important to know.
We use the following service providers:
Squarespace, for our web page
Stripe, as a payment option
PayPal, as a payment option
Gmail, for handling e-mail communication
Dinero, for accounting
PostNord shipping
DHL Express courier service
Some of the data we collect about you will be shared with these companies (only what is relevant in regards to the service they are providing). To ensure your data security, we have a DPA (Data Processing Addendum) with each of the companies.
Data collection